Until the End of the Internet
Last update on January 15, 2025
Internet software and services disappear all the time because of acquisition, financial failure, or worse. It’s become a risky venture to place your trust and data in services that could disappear at any moment, for any reason, and with no guarantee that your data will be safe, preserved, or even portable. TaskTiley wants more for our customers.
We’re dedicated to supporting our products forever (or until the last customer turns off the lights). Here’s what that means:
The day you become a customer of any of our products, you can trust that TaskTiley will try to be around. In the event that one of our products enters a legacy phase you’ll be able to keep using it indefinitely, assuming you continue to abide by our Terms of Service and keep your subscription active. We work hard to keep supporting existing features unless it becomes technically impossible to do so for reasons out of our control (e.g. changes to 3rd party integrations that makes a feature incompatible or browser upgrades that leave a feature behind).
Regardless of status, all of our products receive the same rigorous care when it comes to security and privacy. While we may not add new features to legacy products we’ll continue to apply the latest security updates; maintain the infrastructure that keeps them safe, fast and secure; and continue to offer customer support.
In the unforeseen and unanticipated event that the company or one of our products is acquired by another company or spun-off into a separate company, we’ll do everything in our power to make sure the product and this promise live on.